Changes to the Knowledge Landscape I

Now 2002
physician as self-contained Machine the "non-perfectability of man *", recognition of cognitive constraints
CME courses, self-study error analysis, systems design, education at point of care
physician hunts, assembles, weighs, sorts, presents, maintains information physician assesses bundled, pre-packaged information
literature searches, Boolean logic knowledge-base searches, Boolean logic, hypertext

See also: Elson RB, Faughnan, JG, Connelly, DP. An industrial process view of information delivery to support clinical decision making: implications for systems design and process measures. Elson's Publications Index and Clinical Decision Support (Elson)

[*] The article title and most citations used the word "perfectability". My spelling checker and Merriam-Webster say it ought to be perfectibility. It's likely a correct variant, but it is a neat example of something!

John Faughnan Last Revised: 01 Feb 2002. Net Glossary IMR Glossary