This set of web addresses is intended to serve as a starting point for a
personal bookmark/favorite collection. Please let me know of failed links and of any links
you feel are unsatisfactory in any way. Before providing your email address to any
of these web sites, consider reviewing my Spam document.
Page URL:
Rev: 01 Nov 2004. Last major
review: 25 July 2003. Links checked by LinkScan.
Clinical and Organizational resources of particular interest to Family Physicians. This
section is subdivided into Finding Clinical
Things, Journals, References (text), References (collections), Organizations, and Handouts.
See also: Google!
- Hardin medical meta-index
- Medical resource meta-index, a "directory of directories". Hardin has done a
very good job of choosing quality indices and of maintaining this resource over the past
few years. Rev: 9/29/99. (
- AAFP Links list
- The American Academy of Family Practice maintains a set of very high quality links to
clinical resources on the web. Although the target group is family physicians, the nature
of Family Practice means the list is of value to a larger audience of clinicians. (A
progenitor of this list was descended, an epoch ago, from this web starter page.) Rev:
7/25/2003. (
Return to Top
Some only provide a table of contents, but the NEJM and others are providing excellent
content as well. Note the sites that organize journals and track updates.
- American Family Physician
- AFP is a biweekly journal of primary care review articles, published by the American
Academy of Family Practice. The full text web site is one of the premiere online medical
resources. The patient handouts are superb. There's room for many improvements, and the
opportunities for reusing the material are great. Encourage the AAFP to keep building this
site! (
- AMA WebPage (JAMA, Archives)
- WebPage for JAMA, Archives series, and AMA. (
- New England Journal of Medicine NEJM
- Available online each Thursday. Abstracts and full text of editorials and selected
articles. Can order reprints through the web site. Subscribers can access all full text
and special articles. Rev: 7/9/99 (
Return to Top
These references resemble traditional clinical textbooks. They have a well-defined
- Emedicine Text: Emergency Medicine
- A set of electronic textbooks. Emergency Medicine is the most complete.
- Family
Practice Handbook, 3rd Ed (1997)
- Online version of Mosby text, part of Virtual Hospital. Quite useful. Rev: 7/9/99
- GeneClinics: Genetic Testing
(NIH, UWash)
- Genetic testing resource. A good complement to the OMIM database. Not as comprehensive
in disease coverage, but excellent testing information. Rev: 6/10/2000.
- MD Consult
- A consortium of publishers have put a very large range of textbooks and related
materials on the web. Cost is $200/year, $20/month, or $7/day. Full text of many journals,
including Pediatrics in Review, Sports Medicine. Textbooks includes 5 Minute Clinincal
Consult. (
- MerckMedicus
Medical References
- Harrison's Online, MD Consult, Cecil, DxPlain, Antibiotic advisor, Merck manual of
medicine and geriatrics, Dorlands, PraxisMD. Free as of 10/01, MDConsult access requires
provision of state license number. Rev: 9/29/2001.
- National Organization for Rare
- Database for searching for rare disorders, resources. Rev: 6/10/2000.
- Nursing PDR, Delmar's
- The online version of a popular nursing drug reference. I prefer it to the online PDR
because it's much terser (easier to read online), drug dosing is easily found, links to
references are explicit, and no registration is required.
- OMIM Home Page -- Online Mendelian
Inheritance in Man
- Human genes and genetic disorders. Superb resource, superior to massive printed version
in many ways. Many links into PubMed. (
- Pediatric Radiology & Pediatric Texts
- A large and (6/2000) active collection of links to pediatric resources and texts.
Primary emphasis is radiology with a large collection of specialized information, but
suprisingly good coverage of related references (such as orthopedics). Rev: 6/10/2000.
- Point of Care
Medical References
- Another of my personal collections. Overlaps with the FP Starter collection, but the
page contents and layout are designed for use at the point of care for primary care
clinicians. I try to avoid collections and instead point to specific references. Rev:
6/10/2000. (
Return to Top
These resources include electronic tools, MEDLINE, and large collections of clinical
- CancerNet (PDQ), National Cancer Institute
- Oncology information and references for patients and clinicians. Includes clinical
trials and treatment protocols. Links to PDQ, which no longer requries a user ID and
password. Rev: 7/9/99 (
- Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- Center for Disease Control. Excellent resources for travellers including
country-specific vaccine and health recommendations. (
- National Guideline
- A governmental resource for collecting and disseminating evidence-based guidelines. Rev:
7/25/2003. (
- National Organization for Rare
- Database for searching for rare disorders, resources. Rev: 6/10/2000.
- NICU Web (U Washington)
- The NICU resources of a world class institution, Children's Hospital at the University
of Washington. (
- NIH Office of Rare Diseases
- A set of resources for patients with rare diseases and their physicians. Rev: 7/16/99.
- PubMed &
Loansome Doc- MEDLINE (free)
- Free MEDLINE searching from the National Library of Medicine. PubMed is the
heir-apparent to Grateful Med. The simple interface conceals a lot of power. Well worth a
visit, I now use it in place of Grateful Med for my MEDLINE searches. Loansome Doc is
document delivery serivce; my participating library is the U of Minnesota: MNUMIN. Cost is
$6.00/article and $5.00 for emailing PDF. Rev: 12/2/2000.
Return to Top
Some of these organizations may also appear under other headings.
- AAFP Online Members Service
- A terrific resource. Lots of clinical and practice information that's publicly
available. Private data requires member's last name and AAFP ID number. Excellent patient
education handouts available for printing. (
- STFM - Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
- Organizational web site. Includes many STFM printed materials, links of interest to STFM
members. Rev: 7/9/99 (
- Email Lists for Family Medicine (STFM)
- The Society of Teachers of Family Medicine maintains this excellent document on lists
for collaboration and communication in family medicine. Some are for STFM only, others are
open to all. (
- AMA WebPage (JAMA, Archives)
- WebPage for JAMA, Archives series, and AMA. (
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- NIH news, information, health resources, grants and contracts. AIDS information,
clinical alerts, CancerNet. (
Return to Top
(As of Sept. 1999 the AAFP handouts that I've liked so much
are migrating to another vendor. Until this clears up they're off this list!)
- Interactive Pregnancy Calendar
- Customized calendar detailing infant development (
- HealthFinder (Patient Information)
- A Health and Human Services sponsored index of patient information on the web. Rev:
7/25/2003. (
- Family Village
- Family Village, provided by the Waisman Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
serves families and people with mental retardation and disabilities. A solid and
wide-ranging resource with links to other services. The library is particularly
impressive. Highly recommended. (
Return to Top
- Google: Web and Newsgroup Search
- An innovative search engine that uses linkage weighting to find high quality web sites.
Probably gives the most "precise" searches of the web with the best returns; the
only weakness is that it is somewhat slow to update its indices. A separate service
provides similar searching of the vast usenet newsgroup archives. A translation service
will translate some european languages to english. Google is extremely easy to use and
very fast. I've gotten better answer to clinical questions abour rare disorders from
Google than from MEDLINE or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man. Rev: 8/18/2001.
- Yahoo - Directory, Email and More
- A wide ranging provider of shopping services and extensive financial and business
providers. Indexes the web as well. They have an impressive array of communication
services including the best web email service (filtered messages forward to cell phone).
Rev: 6/16/2001. (
- Profusion MetaSearch engine
- An unusually well done interface for running a search simultaneously across several
search engines. Uses Boolean logic. Uses the better search engines.
Return to Top
- AnyWho (AT&T) Phone Directory
- Business and personal listings, including toll-free. Covers the US. Rev: 1/19/2002.
- Encyclopedia Britannica Online
- The famous encyclopedia, atlas, and a an internet guide. Free limited access, full
access is $5/month. Rev: 1/19/2002. (
- Library of Congress (LOC) Catalog
- The ultimate library catalog. Rev: 7/25/2003. (
- MapQuest Interactive Atlas
- Maps for many countries, a world atlas, driving directions and traffic reports. In 2001
they added aerial photos corresponding to the maps and they greatly improved map display
and responsiveness. Rev: 7/18/2001. (
- Merriam-Webster WWWebster Dictionary
- Official WWW version of the standard American dictionary. Free.
- National Geographic
- A fabulous collection of political and physical maps covering the entire world. Standard
maps or custom overlays. Rev: 10/29/99.
- Roget's Thesaurus
- An online version of the venerable thesaurus. (
- US Postal
Service Zip Code Finder
- Zip code finder. Rev: 7/9/99 (
Return to Top
There are zillions of news sites. The NY Times is my preferred traditional news
equivalent, and Excite is my personalized news/information service.
- New York Times
- Front page stories plus some editorial content and archives. Required registration is
free for US readers. Rev: 7/9/99 (
- Family Newspaper
- This is one of our family's personal web pages. It's a collection of news resources and
magazines that we read daily; organized for use with a wireless slate. You can use it as
is or save a copy to your personal machine and revise it to suit your interests. Rev:
9/25/99. (
- Weather - Yahoo
- An excellent weather service, integrating region specific NOAA data with satellite
imaging and various weather aspects. US and world coverage. You can save your local report
as a bookmark/favorite for regular review. Rev: 9/22/99.
Return to Top
- Inline Skating FAQ
- Excellent resource for inline skaters. Retail, technique, urls. A newsgroup
"frequently asked questions" (FAQ) document.
- GolfWeb: Everything Golf ...
- An awesome respository of golfing information. Equipment, courses, news, instruction.
- New York Times: Books on the Web
- Book Reviews and related materials. (
Return to Top
- UC Berkeley Paleontology Museum
- Dinosaurs delight, an award winning web site of interest to children and adults both.
- Franklin Institute Science Museum
- One of the very best online museums. Highly recommended for children. Links to exhibits
throughout the web. A great learning resource. (
- Electric Library
- Research service for any user, strong support for high school students. Costs $60/year
or $10/month (school-year is a good option). Search through 150 full-text newspapers, 800
full-text magazines, two international newswires, two thousand classic books, hundreds of
maps, thousands of photographs, as well as major works of literature and art. Content is
"as safe as a local public library". Rev: 7/9/99 (
- The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Museums
- An eclectic collection of WWW services connected with museums, galleries and archives.
Fast and Effective. Rev: 8/18/2001. (
Return to Top
- Eloan: Loan calculations and services
- Sophisticated comparisons of loans, refinancing, etc. Very impressive. They make their
money by processing the loan application. Rev: 9/29/99. (
- FinancialEngines
- A very serious and sophisticated online investment toolset. It provides a solid range of
free services and advanced services for investment professionals. Rev: 1/9/2002.
- Yahoo Finance
- Business news, abundant research services. Rev: 1/9/2002. (
Return to Top
- Alta Vista BabelFish Translation
- Cut and paste content into this page for translation to/from English. Supports many
european languages, Chinese, Japanese and Russian. Rev: 1/9/2002.
- FlightView track
- Almost real-time reporting on flight status from FAA data -- location, altitude,
velocity and estimated arrival time. This is a free version of a professional flight
tracking service. Rev: 7/25/2003. (
- Hotel Reservations Network
- Hotel brokerage service. Excellent deals on low and high end hotesl in selected cities.
Well known business predates web. (
- Expedia
- Travel information, air ticketing, rental cars, acommodations. Great links to travel
destinations, worldwide information. Go to member information to turn off selling of your
email address to spammers. Rev: 7/24/2001. (
Return to Top
- FirstGov -- US National, State and Local Government
- An immense and well done site that opens all of the US government to the world. Check
out "Mapstats" for your area. Rev: 9/24/2000. (
Return to Top
- An extraordinary source for books, music, and various other products. Discounts for many
books, but watch shipping fees. Almost all medical textbooks available, but not organized
for easy browsing. You may want to opt out of their intrusive email marketing. Rev:
7/21/2001. (
- ePinion: a reputation service for
products and services
- A reputation service collects opinions of users, and also ranks those who provide
opinions. As of Sept. 1999 this is a very promising venture -- a place to go when you want
to buy something. Rev: 9/10/99. (
- Wal-Mart Online
- An astounding array of products for online shopping. This has been around for years, but
never marketed. Huge plans for 2000. Rev: 7/9/99. (
- UPS Home Page
- Parcel tracking, similar service offered by Federal Express. If you register, you can
print shipping labels on a PC Rev: 3/5/2000. (
Return to Top
Most of the companies listed here provide free or evaluation copies of their software.
You can use your web browser to download the software and "try before you buy". (Don't
use beta software unless you are a computer expert or want to become one.)
- Apple Computer
- This much improved site links to the Apple store for purchases, and to information on
Macintosh, eMate, and MessagePad hardware and software products. (
- HotMail -- Free Email
- Free web based email, owned by Microsoft. I use it as my disposable public/services
address, and "spam" collector. This is also a way to check email when travelling
-- HotMail can collect email from POP boxes. To reduce your junk mail collection,
carefully turn off all listing options and make your demographics very unattractive.
- Internet Tutorials
- Several tutorials focusing on use of the Internet by family and other physicians.
Includes tutorials and resources on Netscape, Internet Explorer, email, finding things,
getting connected, suggested sites, buying a Windows PC, etc.
- Microsoft
- Microsoft produces Internet Explorer for the Macintosh and Windows, and almost all
Windows office software. Their site can be confusing. Rev: 7/10/99.
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Author: John G. Faughnan. The
views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. Pages are
updated on an irregular schedule; suggestions/fixes are welcome but they may take weeks to
years to be incorporated. Anyone may freely link to anything on this site
and print any page; no permission is needed for citing, linking, printing, or
distributing printed copies.