Internet Tutorials

Introduction to the Internet (Exercises)

These links are used during our Introduction to the Internet class. They link to slides that can be viewed as a part of the complete presentation. Feel free to bookmark (add to Favorites) any of them during our exercises.

  1. Syllabus
  2. Our Web Site
  3. IE/Web Tutorials
    - use the cursor keys to scroll your screen
  4. Email Tutorials
  5. Address Exercise (not relevant post tutorial)
  6. Lists: Information on Email Lists (Adv)
  7. Getting Used to URLs
    - watch your status bar for addresses
  1. Local Links
  2. Cyber Cafes
  3. FP Starter Bookmarks
    - practice saving favorites
    - practice the 'Find' function
  4. Finding Things on the Internet
  5. Alta Vista

Internet Tutorials
Glossary - Intro Net

Last revised: 01 Feb 2002
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 John Faughnan &
Robert Elson